Beyond 65% of the people in the western world have trouble cornea as a result of working with pc view: what is usually called CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome).
You regularly have itchy eyes, pain, the impression of dryness, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, pain in the back, neck, shoulder muscles, headaches, difficulty in determining the different objects: here is the main indication CVS
It works featuring slow blink of an eye, you generally have to blink about 12 to 19 times per minute in order to create a protective layer of tears. Laptop computer or labor tends to decrease the secretion of lachrymals just because the eyes often fixed on the screen. This will lead to long to have dry eyes especially pronounced if you work in an environment where they smell smoke, air conditioning, or even if the use of certain drugs.
The following are the most effective answers that can help you avoid trouble vision:
The first thing that obviously only make one more blink your eyes regularly.
Adjust the lighting, the contrast on your screen and also have a minimum length of 45 cm.
And change the screen refresh rate: cathode ray tube about increasing the frequency of 60 Hz up to at least 75 Hz or more, if you display your graphics card or permit.
Flat screen should not reduce the refresh rate of 60Hz because higher frequencies tend to make the writing difficult to read, causing vision problems.
Adjust your monitor whiten the background. Replace the background of soft gray that much easier for your vision.
Set the screen slightly below the level of vision, this position is a serious push to blink.
Next think about lighting, avoid glare display, the most direct lighting on the face. You do not need to put the display in-front or window and all the additional supply of direct light. Encouraging alternative light on the side.
Make a five minute break every single hour.
Do eye exercises: leave the screen and move your own eyes in the light zone and then into a darkish and repeat for approximately two minutes, every 2 hours at least.
Regularly leave your eyes off your monitor and improve the items away for a few seconds: this may rest your muscles of your eyes.
And do not forget to protect one through Ultraviolet rays coming from your liquid crystal display screen or with just a screen set directly in the anti - radiation protection or by using ultra-violet protective glasses, especially for home pc.
Select good, dimensions and style your fonts. In case you need to be extended texting to learn to give preference stick font type (Verdana) slightly versus serif type (Times New Roman).
At this point you are ready to work for many years with a laptop or computer.
adapted from ArticleSnatch